Searching for a New Job? Optimise your LinkedIn Profile
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Searching for a New Job? Optimise your LinkedIn Profile

Searching for a New Job? Optimise your LinkedIn Profile

Whether you’re actively searching for a new job or not, you need to make sure that you present yourself in the best possible light on LinkedIn. Most law firms and recruitment agencies treat your LinkedIn profile as a digital CV. To increase your chances your profile needs to be the best it can be. Here are some pointers that can make you stand out on LinkedIn.

Customise your URL

By customising your URL, you can push your profile higher up the search results if someone is looking for you on Google. To do this, go to your profile page and on the right click ‘Edit public profile & URL’ and on the right hand side click on the pen icon in the ‘Edit URL’ box. Try to keep this as close to your name as possible to match searches in Google, such as your first and last names, or the inclusion of a middle initial. Your URL might end up looking like

Complete your profile

There are still many LinkedIn users with no picture on their profile and profile information missing. Potential employers don’t want to connect with a grey silhouette, they prefer to put a face to a name. Make sure your photo looks professional (ideally taken in a studio).

Write a good summary

When looking at personal LinkedIn pages, employers spend only a brief amount of time before making the go or no decision. The summary is a good place to sell yourself, so make sure you let viewers know why they should keep on reading.

Show what you can do

Don’t just list your job title and the companies you’ve worked for. Let people know what you have learnt and your capabilities. Keep it brief, write a list of your key responsibilities or any particularly difficult cases you have worked on.

Get colleagues and clients to recommend you

A few great recommendations on your profile highlights your worth. Limit these to 2 to 5. They should show that you’re respected and proficient within the legal profession.
Just making these few simple changes and additions to your profile can open up a lot more career opportunities for you.