How To Get Promoted In Law
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How To Get Promoted In Law

How To Get Promoted In Law

Some ambitious solicitors will have their eye on promotion opportunities from their first day in a new role. Others, perhaps the more realistic, will perceive that considerable water must “pass under the bridge” before conquering a move up their legal career ladder. They realise that due to the relatively structured nature of the legal profession, a very rapid rise in their firm’s ranks probably isn’t likely and those who do expect quick and regular promotions must be prepared to sacrifice a lot.
For many lawyers, becoming a partner is the obvious ultimate career target. However, this is only likely to happen to a minority of employees and it may take many years to build up the expertise needed to be considered as partner material. In order to achieve this goal you will need to demonstrate intelligence, a thorough knowledge of the law, common sense, solid client relationships, high billings, stability and dedication to the firm and the role.
You may be wondering whether it is better to stay with one employer and go all out for progression towards partnership or to take a sideways step into other firms, or your own private practice, and build a career that way. An important part of this decision is your ability to understand the future path and direction of the firm you currently work for and within this your likelihood of promotion. Whatever your choice of future direction, here are some top tips for putting your career progression into action:

  • Ask for a mentor at work. Mentors can offer valuable career guidance. Having a wise, experienced colleague on your side can really help propel your law career in the right direction.
  • Don’t hide your light. If no-one knows how brilliant an employment lawyer you are, and that you are keen to progress, you simply won’t get ahead. It’s important to actively promote yourself and become a known entity within your firm and beyond. You can make a much better case for a promotion by showing detailed information about your past and ongoing successes tracked over time.
  • Excel in your specialist field. Continue to build specialist knowledge and expertise while keeping current with industry news and events.
  • Act like a senior lawyer before you are one. Work hard to earn a reputation for being dependable, professional, and cooperative – even when times in the office are challenging. Try in particular to be a problem-solver when a difficult situation arises – say a difficult client or a hold up in a court case. Problem-solvers are more likely to land a promotion.
  • Ask your boss why you aren’t getting promoted. This may sound obvious, but one of the biggest reasons keeping solicitors back from a promotion is not talking to their boss enough. Even if your boss- relationship feels fraught with tension, most bosses would like their employees to ask them more often what they can do to improve.

At the end of the day, if you have asked your boss what they want, and that involves lodging court documents when you’d rather be visiting clients, then that could be a good indicator of why you aren’t being promoted. If this difference proves to be permanent, and you aren’t enjoying your role anymore (and haven’t progressed in a while), you need to consider looking elsewhere. Sometimes the best way to move up the ladder is to move on to another firm. Allowing yourself to get stale is never a good option. Your best choice may be following the advice of American actor Milton Berle –
“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door”.