Advice for Employers
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Advice for Employers

There can be nothing more frustrating than a poorly structured recruitment process. Whether your practice is conducting recruitment in-house, or using the services of a specialist recruiter, an effective process will greatly improve your chances of securing that ideal candidate. It...

As another year rolls into place for the legal profession in New Zealand I was going to put together a few words about achieving a better work-life balance in 2023. But, the more I thought about this phrase (which I have been guilty...

As a law practitioner you may well have found that your career path over the past few years has been a bumpy one - both health wise and economically. For some practices this period of change has resulted in a detailed review of...

When demand for staff is running high, chances are an anticipated new employee will receive a counter offer. A counter offer describes the situation whereby an existing employer receives a resignation letter and decides to offer an improved renumeration package to encourage a key staff...

For thousands of years hardly anyone discussed whether or not they loved what they did all day. They did what they did to feed their family, the end. Loving what you did was considered a real privilege and it is only relatively recently...

As a busy lawyer, the last thing you want to hear is that one or more of your valued employees is resigning. Sudden and unexpected resignations can be very disruptive, forcing the remaining team members to go into reactive mode in response to client...

As a senior member of a law firm you probably know that it’s tougher than ever to consistently identify great employees. Interviewing is one of those occasions in your career where it seems like you are just supposed to know what to...

Who could have predicted that during the first half of 2020 the entire New Zealand legal profession would become familiar with working from home? As working from home became the new normal we have all been forced to change the way we think about work....

Larger law practices invest heavily in recruiting new solicitors and associates—only to find that they leave the firm within a few years, before they are truly productive. Corporations often have greater success in retaining the employees they hire. Their secret? What can your practice learn...

Larger law practices invest heavily in recruiting new solicitors and associates—only to find that they leave the firm within a few years, before they are truly productive. Corporations often have greater success in retaining the employees they hire. Their secret? What can your practice learn...

Larger law practices invest heavily in recruiting new solicitors and associates—only to find that they leave the firm within a few years, before they are truly productive. Corporations often have greater success in retaining the employees they hire. Their secret? What can your practice learn...

We increasingly find ourselves surrounded by the new, the unfamiliar, and the unknown - an experience something like early childhood. The problem is not just rapid change, it is also the sheer volume of information rushing at us from all directions and sources. It has...