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You may be familiar with the 2019 David Epstein book entitled “Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialised World”. The author makes a general argument against focusing too narrowly early on in one’s career. With this in mind, I would...

The general advice for lawyers starting out is to work in as many areas of the law as possible - in order to discover an area that brings you maximum enjoyment. However, when it comes to mid-level lawyers, they can to easily...

As another year rolls into place for the legal profession in New Zealand I was going to put together a few words about achieving a better work-life balance in 2023. But, the more I thought about this phrase (which I have been guilty...

As a law practitioner you may well have found that your career path over the past few years has been a bumpy one - both health wise and economically. For some practices this period of change has resulted in a detailed review of...

What first came to mind when you glanced at the heading above? Chances are you were imagining a rather rotund legal practitioner, reclined in their office chair, tucking into a steaming meat pie or a bucket of KFC – their desk, keyboard and files covered...

Setting goals is an important part of building a long and successful legal career. For many, the ultimate goal is to secure a position supporting high-profile clients within one of the large Canterbury firms. Nevertheless, many solicitors currently working in smaller practices can testify to...

With the arrival of a new year, I thought it would be an opportune time to provide a few pointers to those in the profession who have just completed, or are thinking of, a transition to a new firm. In particular, I am thinking of...

Some ambitious solicitors will have their eye on promotion opportunities from their first day in a new role. Others, perhaps the more realistic, will perceive that considerable water must “pass under the bridge” before conquering a move up their legal career ladder. They realise that...

Recently I have found myself becoming a regular watcher of the TV game show The Chase. No doubt you are familiar with the part of the show where a contestant is offered a choice of various financial rewards in return for answering additional questions....

Have you thought about looking for a new role in the past few months? If, like The Clash, you may have been thinking ‘Should I stay or should I go?’. Perhaps you have been wondering whether you should keep looking, or...