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There are few reasons to believe the average solicitor working in law is happy in their job. Recent Gallop data on employee engagement suggests that only 3 in 10 employees are happy in their jobs. Just try typing “My job is” into Google on your...

For better or worse, we live in a culture obsessed with fame and fortune - one where we assume the people who have the most money or status are the happiest. However, your employees desire to be part of something that is bigger than they...

These days it is difficult to imagine being in the same job for the remainder of one’s career. It is very likely at some point you will have to resign from a position. What’s the best way to go about it?  Perhaps you shouldn’t follow...

At some stage it’s likely that a job rejection letter has left you down in the dumps. Being turned down for a job can affect your confidence. My clients often dwell on receiving a rejection letter from a prospective employer, but thinking too much can...

The resume is a tool with one specific purpose: to win an interview. If it does what the fantasy resume did, it works. If it doesn’t, it isn’t an effective resume. A resume is an advertisement, nothing more, nothing less. A great resume doesn’t just tell...